The Organizing Committee of the VIII Yuri Bashmet International Viola Competition «Viola Masters» announces the following prizes:

Grand Prix …………….. 25 000 EUR

I Prize ……………………15 000 EUR

II prize …………….…… 8 000 EUR

III Prize …………….…..5 000 EUR


  • Special prize (based on round II, section A) – Prize “for the best performance of a work by a Russian composer” in the amount of 1,000 EUR for participants performing the following works:

Shostakovich Sonata Op. 147 bis for Viola and Piano

  1. Druzhinin Sonata for Solo Viola

Golovin Sonata breve for Viola and Piano

  1. Roslavets one of the two Sonatas for Viola and Piano


  • Special prize (in the competition) “Best Schnittke Concerto performance “- 1 000 EUR


  • Special Prize for the best performance of Igor Raykhelson concert – 1 000 EUR


  • Special prize (in the competition) for “The best ensemble” – 1 000 EUR


  • Special Prize “Best Illustrator (Concertmaster)” – 500 EUR


  • A special prize named after Oleg Kagan “For the best performance of Mozart Symphony concert”- 1 000 EUR


  • Special Prize of L. Tertis from the Organizing Committee of L. Tertis International Viola Competition – £ 500 (in ruble equivalent).


Prizes and Awards are paid in rubles at the exchange rate of a Central Bank of Russia on the date of payment (after deducting income tax).

Depending on the results achieved by the participant and within a set number of prizes, the jury has the right to:

  • not to award all prizes;
  • share awards;
  • reallocate the amount of awards within the total bonus pool.


The jury’s decision is final and not subject to revision.

State and public organizations, creative unions, mass media, institutions, enterprises and individuals in consultation with the Organizing Committee may establish special prizes.

In case of dispute as to the interpretation of these Regulations the only correct text is Russian.